The docuPAD® System
Digitize your F&I experience, from selling to signing to contracting, for better penetration, higher PVR, improved compliance, and dramatically reduced CIT.
FedEx’ing contracts back and forth with your lenders is extremely frustrating and kills your cash flow. Ever-changing requirements and growing scrutiny from organizations like the FTC mean you’re responsible for transparently presenting products and disclosures to each customer, verifying that documents are accurately completed, and ensuring deal jackets are accessible in case of an audit.
The docuPAD system allows you to measure CIT in hours instead of days, and provide customers with an engaging F&I menu presentation that takes the guesswork out of compliance.
Benefits of the docuPAD System
Cash In Bank
Speed up cash flow with end-to-end eContracting. Measure CIT in hours rather than days.
Track presentation effectiveness and consistency with detailed reports on F&I performance.
Ensure every consumer is presented every product and disclosure with transparency.
Engage customers with interactive sales tools and menu choices that can easily be adjusted in real-time to build custom packages.
Ensure all documents are signed the first time using signature highlights that are color-coded for each signee.
Reduce the time and costs that come with managing paper like toner, courier fees, and storage.
Engage, Educate, and Empower Your Customers
Customers can easily view side-by-side menu options and select what they want to purchase using the docuPAD system’s 4K touch screen.
Compliant and Accurate Signing
The signing process is quick, compliant, and accurate with electronic signature capture that marks each signee’s designated areas.
What can you experience:
“I’ve been a dealer for 34 years and docuPAD is the best product I’ve seen in many years. I’m not just saying that. We’ve got the stats to prove it.”
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“docuPAD is paying for all of our Reynolds systems in each of our stores.”
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Related Resources
Transparency In Aftermarket Sales
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