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F&I deal documents, parts invoices, payroll documents, and ROs are generated every day in your dealership. They are created in one department, but by the time they’re ready to be archived or destroyed, they have traded hands multiple times. Along the way they get added to bigger stacks of paper, get damaged, get misplaced, get replaced, and hopefully get filed away.

But then you need one of those files. Someone has to go find it, digging through files and boxes in the hopes the paper is where it is supposed to be. In the meantime your employees are waiting, your customers are feeling forgotten, and your documents have become a giant web of frustration.

Things don’t have to be like this.

Now, documents can be electronically archived the instant they are created, without having to print and scan them. The web of frustration is gone, reducing mountains of paperwork to digital documents that can easily be viewed, printed, emailed and exported straight from your system.

Your employees will all have access to the information they need, wherever they are in the dealership, streamlining your operations and removing the burden of paper from your business.