CrossRoads Automotive Group docuPAD® System Testimonial Video

AJ Farnsworth is the director of finance at CrossRoads Automotive Group.

“In the past, the customer’s involvement with signing the paperwork was extremely tedious. It was always, ‘Oh great, you’re the guy that’s going to take money from me and have me sign all of these documents.’

“If a customer needed documents for retrieval, we would have to submit a request to our accounting team and that would take two to three days. Customers, a lot of times, felt like you forgot about them.

“With the docuPAD, we’ve seen an increase of 20% with both our products and our PVR numbers. The nice thing about the docuPAD is it allows the customer to buy those products instead of being sold those products.

“We made a huge investment with this system. Within a three-month time frame, the docuPAD system was able to pay for itself.

“I know the experience the customers get with the docuPAD is going to bring them back to my store. And I know my competition doesn’t have that advantage.”

Timbo May, Director of Operations, understood the need to adapt to customers' changing expectations.

“Every F&I manager does the deal a little bit differently, no matter what you do, no matter how you train them and you really can’t control that in a paper environment.

“The people who are buying vehicles from us now are used to an electronic format. That’s what they do online, and that’s how they buy products, so it’s been a breath of fresh air for them.”